An important part of health and well being is healthy eating habits and food choices. These are as important as establishing good activity habits. Nutrition also plays an important role in prevention of health issues which affect the well being of many today. These problems can cause the loss of enjoyment of life and work productivity. They also make huge demands on our social and medical services.
We all need a full range of nutrients. But we all have genetically programmed requirements for different amounts of various nutrients. To establish the nutrients for which your body has a genetic need, you must first identify what your needs are. To do this we need to establish what our metabolic typing is. One important factor used to determine your metabolic type is your rate of cellular oxidation.
Basically there are three metabolic types. Once your type has been identified this information is used to choose the specific foods and food combinations that are best for you, especially with regard to the all important macronutrients.
If you would like to identify your metabolic type and receive a menu of nutrition best suited for you, then contact 3G Fitness today.
Nutrition Plan $150